Upload the resulting file to your server and extract it with the following command
tar xzvf replicated-2.45+2.45+2.45.tar.gz
Install Replicated
cat ./install.sh | sudo bash -s airgap
Upgrading Dash Enterprise or Chart Studio
Download a new version of Dash Enterprise and rename the file to add the .airgap extension. If there is more than one new version between your current version and the one you are upgrading to, contact support as you will also need to download certain intermediate versions and they can instruct you which ones are necessary.
Browse to the Server Manager at port 8800 and click the gear icon in the top right to access the Console Settings.
Find the Airgapped Settings section and enter the paths to the new .airgap and your license file, then save your changes.
Go back to the Dashboard; you should see a notice that there is an update available. Select View Update to see a list of available updates, then click Install Update.