Dash Enterprise Single Server

This guide can help you upgrade your Dash Enterprise Single Server instance. Upgrading Dash Enterprise will take some time, and your applications will be unavailable during this process.


Before you get started, make sure you have read and completed Prepare for the upgrade.

Upgrading an Online Instance

To upgrade an internet-connected Dash Enterprise Single Server instance:

  1. Go to the Dash Enterprise Server Manager at port 8800 of your base domain and log in using the admin credentials. You should see a notice that there is an update available.

  2. Select View Update to see a list of available updates.

  3. Select Install Update.

Once the update is installed, continue to After the upgrade.

Upgrading an Offline (Airgapped) Instance

To upgrade a fully offline Dash Enterprise Single Server instance:

1 - Check the Changelog to see if the release you're upgrading to (or any intermediate release you will be installing) updates the Replicated version. If so:

a - On an internet-capable machine, download the latest version mentioned using https://s3.amazonaws.com/replicated-airgap-work/stable/replicated-2.52.0%2B2.52.0%2B2.52.0.tar.gz (replace all "2.52.0" with the version you will need).

b - Upload the file to your server and extract it:

tar xzvf replicated-2.52+2.52+2.52.tar.gz

c - Install Replicated:

cat ./install.sh | sudo bash -s airgap

2 - Using the link provided by our Customer Success team, download a new version of Dash Enterprise and rename the file to add the .airgap extension. If there is more than one new version between your current version and the one you are upgrading to, you will also need to download and install certain intermediate versions one by one. Contact us for help identifying which ones are required.

3 - Upload the new version of Dash Enterprise. You can do this by browsing to the file or adding the file path in Console Settings:

a - Go to the Server Manager at port 8800.

b - Select Upload Airgap Bundle; then browse to the location of the file on your local machine.

4 - Go back to the Dashboard. You should see a notice that there is an update available.

5 - Select View Update to see a list of available updates; then select Install Update.

Once the update is installed, continue to After the upgrade.

Last updated

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