
1 - Browse to your Server Manager Settings on port 8800 and enable SAML:

1.1 - Select the following options:

  • Use SAML for authentication

  • No IdP metadata is available yet

  • Disable TLS/SSL certificate validation when communicating with the IdP

1.2 - Leave the remaining options as their default values

1.3 - Return to the Dashboard and click Stop, then Start when it becomes available

1.4 - When the app reports ready, return to Settings and copy the SP (local) Metadata URL

  • Ensure that you can browse to this URL before proceeding

2 - Log into your Okta admin portal and configure SAML (guide) with the following changes from the default settings:

2.1 - Single sign on URL (or ACS URL): https://dash-your-domain.com/Auth/saml2/acs/

2.2 - Audience URI (SP Entity ID): the SP (local) Metadata URL from Step 3d

2.3 - Name ID format: Unspecified

2.4 - Application username: Email prefix

2.5 - Click Next, then on Okta support, answer as follows and complete the wizard:

  • I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app

  • This is an internal app that we have created

3 - In Okta, retrieve the Identity Provider metadata of the app you just created

3.1 - Click the Applications menu and the name of the app

3.2 - Click the Sign On tab and, on that page, right-click on Identity Provider metadata URL and copy the URL

4 - In your Server Manager, go to the Settings and:

4.1 - In the SAML settings section, select Enter a URL to the IdP (remote) metadata

4.2 - In the IdP (remote) Metadata URL field, paste the Identity Provider Metadata from Step 3b

4.3 - Check Enable signed AuthnRequests

4.4 - Check Enable encryption when communicating with the IdP

4.5 - Save the settings, then return to the Dashboard and click Stop, then Start

5 - In Okta, configure the user accounts you want to have access to your Dash app manager

5.1 - Click Directory in the menu bar, then People, and add user accounts:

  • One by one with Add Person; or,

  • In bulk with Import Users from CSV

5.2 - You can create groups and assign users to them in Directory > Groups

6 - In Okta, assign users and groups access to your application

6.1 - Click Applications in the menu bar, then the app you created in Step 2

6.2 - Click the Assignments tab, then either:

  • Assign to People, and click Assign for every individual to have access; or

  • Assign to Groups if you have groups containing the user accounts that should have access to the application

Last updated

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