Admin panel reference

Dash Enterprise has a new administration panel as of version 3.4. You can access it in two possible ways after logging in with an account that has administrator privileges:

Users overview

The Overview section of the Users tab features a summary of Dash users and license allocation and allows you to perform administrative tasks on user accounts.

Dash licenses represents the maximum number of licensed users available for your license. A licensed user account is authorized to deploy Dash apps, visit the Dash Enterprise documentation, and access the low-code capabilities like the Design Kit, Snapshot Engine, and Embedded Middleware. Dash licenses allocated to users is the number of Dash licenses currently in use.

If you have enabled Restrict licenses based on Active Directory group membership in the Server Manager, only users in the dedicated LDAP/SAML group are licensed and count toward your total. Otherwise, a user becomes a licensed user by initializing a Dash app in the Dash Enterprise web portal or by visiting Dash Enterprise documentation. If all Dash licenses are in use, no new users will be able to create Dash apps, but existing licensed users will retain app creation privileges.

A locked user account cannot save Dash apps.

User summary table

The User summary table lists all users in alphabetical order by default, but can also be sorted by date of user creation and time of user’s last login. The search function supports searches by username or email address. To access a user account’s settings, click on its row.

User settings panel

An administrator can perform the following actions on a user account in the User settings panel:

  • Modify the email address

  • Grant Administrator status

  • Lock or unlock the account

  • Grant or revoke a Chart Creator license

  • Transfer the account’s files to another user

  • Delete the account

To toggle Chart Creator status, transfer files from one user account to a different one, or delete a user account, an administrator must first lock the account in question.

Tasks tab

When you transfer/delete files or delete a user account, this job is entered into a queue. You can view the status of all jobs in the Tasks tab (\. The queue will look similarly to below:

Last updated