Prepare for the upgrade

These instructions assume that your current Dash Enterprise instance is at least version 4.2.0. You must upgrade to 4.2.x before upgrading to 4.3.0; it is not possible to skip major versions when upgrading.

Stop the server manager

Browse to the Server Manager dashboard on port 8800 and click Stop Now

If you are using Dash Enterprise Kubernetes, you can use replicatedctl:

replicatedctl app stop

Now, wait for app to stop.

Back up your Plotly data and databases

If your virtualization or cloud provider supports it, you can create a snapshot of a VM or disk to serve as your Plotly data backup.

Another option is to create a local backup following the instructions below:

Check the size of your data

To determine how much disk space your data directory is using, run the following command:

sudo du -sh /plotly

Replace /plotly with the name of your data directory if you used a different name during installation.

The command may take some time depending on data size; one minute is typical.

In this example, the output is 540M /plotly. The data directory is using 540 megabytes.

Check available disk space

Make sure you have enough free space for the upgrade.

  • Check the space in both the Docker data directory (/var/lib/docker by default) and the Plotly data directory (/plotly by default).

sudo df -h /var/lib/docker
sudo df -h /plotly

The output should look similar to the following:

Filesystem         Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/plotly   456G 44G 390G 10%  /

In this example, there is 390GB of space available -- enough space to hold a backup copy of the data directory during the upgrade process.

We recommend having at least 100GB available for the Docker data directory and at least 200GB available for the Plotly directory before proceeding.

Back up your data directory

Back up the Plotly data directory by creating a tar archive, and keep it somewhere safe.

sudo tar -czvf plotly_data_dir.tar.gz /plotly

Create a snapshot of your Redis and Postgres databases

When using Dash Enterprise Kubernetes, you will need to create two snapshots: one for your Redis database, and one for your Postgres database. This is because neither of them are saved inside /plotly.

The process of creating a snapshot is described in the Using Snapshots & Backups section.

Upgrade Docker if it is older than version 17.05.0

If your server can access the Internet, re-run the installation script:

curl -sSL | sudo bash
  • If your server uses a proxy to access the Internet, see Configuring a proxy

  • If prompted for the server’s service IP address, press Enter to accept the default

It is safe to run this Installation command on existing installations. It will only upgrade dependencies and won't delete any of your existing data.

SAML authentication with Microsoft Active Directory

If you’re using SAML authentication with Microsoft Active Directory 2012, 2016, or 2019, you may need to activate strong authentication for .NET applications. See Microsoft’s documentation for more information and for instructions.

Last updated