Navigating the System

Replicated UI (Server Manager) Basics

Replicated’s UI is branded as the “Dash Enterprise Server Manager” and can be accessed on port 8800 of your Dash Enterprise Server.

The front page of the Server Manager shows the current status of the service (e.g. running, updating, or stopped), as well as the current version and any available updates.

The Server Manager can also be used to view your Dash Enterprise license using the View License button under the gear menu at the top right corner of the screen. This is useful to determine what features are licensed for this server.

Replicated Container Logs

Since all Replicated components run in their own Docker containers, it’s possible to use docker logs to view their logs, which can be useful if the Replicated UI is unavailable or behaving strangely. The command is run as docker logs [OPTIONS] CONTAINER. The Replicated containers with useful log messages are replicated, replicated-ui, and replicated-operator.

docker logs usually needs to be run as root. On most servers, prefixing the command with sudo will do that.

Normally, docker logs shows all current logs for the container, then exits. The command also supports the -f option, meaning “follow”. When this option is used, a continuous view of the logs is shown instead.

Examples of this command:

To view the current logs for the replicated container:

sudo docker logs replicated

For a continuous view of the logs generated by the replicated-operator container:

sudo docker logs -f replicated-operator

Change the limit of log stored in replicated-operator:

The hard limit of log data which can be stored on replicated-operator container can be changed by following this guide.

Getting a Support Bundle

Support bundles provide a snapshot of the system’s state, including relevant logs and statistics. They are intended for use by Plotly's customer success to help you troubleshoot your system; however, some basic information on its contents can be found in the Navigating the Support Bundle page.

Normally the “Download Support Bundle” button on the Support tab of the Server Manager (Replicated UI) is used to generate and download a support bundle. If the Server Manager is unavailable, a support bundle can also be generated using the replicated command on the server as follows:

1 - Run the replicated apps command to get the app ID. This command may show several entries but there should be only one ID. If multiple IDs are found, use the first one shown. In this example the ID is 73023580251d4d95535e7135bca8a6e0

2 - Run replicated support-bundle ID (replace ID with the ID determined above).

3 - A support bundle is generated and the path to the file on your server is shown. Please send this to Plotly’s support team if you’re working with us.

Status and Logs in the Dash App Manager

The status of each Dash App as well as its logs can be viewed using the Dash App Manager. Only the app’s owner and administrators can view this information.

Status is shown at the top of the Dash App’s Overview tab in the Dash App Manager. Logs are shown in the Logs tab. Note that two different logs are available:

  • “Application Logs” shows the output of any currently running app container(s).

  • “Failure Logs” shows the output of the most recent app container(s) that failed to start, if any. In other words you can view the logs of apps that failed to be deployed using the “Failure Logs” tab.

Checking Dash App Status and Logs Manually

The same mechanism used for SSH app deployments can be used to check app status and get app logs. Any user with an SSH key in Dash Enterprise can do this for their apps, and this mechanism is fully supported.

In the examples below:

  • SERVER is the Dash Enterprise Domain Name (hostname) of your server

  • PORT is the Dash Enterprise SSH port, typically 3022

  • APPNAME is the name of the app.

App status:

ssh dokku@SERVER -p PORT ps:report APPNAME

App logs:

ssh dokku@SERVER -p PORT logs APPNAME

Failed app container logs:

ssh dokku@SERVER -p PORT logs:failed APPNAME

Administrators who can run Docker commands on Dash Enterprise’s server can also run these commands via docker exec. This method is not supported and may change in future Dash Enterprise releases.

App status:

sudo docker exec dash dokku ps:report APPNAME

App logs:

sudo docker exec dash dokku logs APPNAME

Failed app container logs:

sudo docker exec dash dokku logs:failed APPNAME

Running Dokku Commands

The docker exec command allows any Dokku command to be run by administrators who can run Docker commands on Dash Enterprise’s server. Note that only the commands exposed via SSH are currently supported by Plotly and many Dokku commands have unintended consequences, so running commands this way is done at your own risk.

The full list of Dokku commands can be found in the Dokku documentation.

Example Dokku command to list all apps on the current server (this one is read-only and safe):

sudo docker exec dash dokku apps:list

Connecting to Postgres

To connect to the Postgres databases used internally by Dash Enterprise, run the plotly_psql command in the appropriate container:

  • dash for the Dash Enterprise database, which stores information on Dash Apps and caches some information on users and groups.

  • dashauth for the authentication database, which stores information on users and groups.

Last updated

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