Microsoft Azure resource prerequisites
Create a Resource Group (guide) to hold all the resources you will create in steps 2 through 5
Create an Azure Linux virtual machine (guide) with Dash Enterprise installed on it according to our instructions in Dash Enterprise Single Server: On-Premise Installation on Own Server. This instance will act as the Replicated Management Node.
In the Networking section, set NIC network security group to advanced and add inbound ports as described in Open ports
In the Management section, enable System assigned managed identity
Create an Azure Database for PostgreSQL (guide) instance using Postgres 11 and configure as follows:
In Connection Security:
Set Allow access to Azure services to Yes and add the IP address of the VM you created in Step 2 to the field
Set Enforce SSL connection to Disabled
Under Allow access to Azure services, add the IP address of your workstation, then connect to the Postgres instance and create the following two databases:
Create an Azure Cache for Redis (guide) and unblock port 6379
Create an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster (guide) and configure it as follows:
Kubernetes version: choose the latest supported version from supported Kubernetes versions.
Recommended node size:
Set this to
if the cluster will be used to deploy RAPIDS apps
Node count: >= 4
Authentication method: System-assigned managed identity
Network configuration: advanced
Use the same virtual network as the resource group
Select Calico network services
In the Integrations section, create a new container registry
Assign the virtual machine from Step 2 the Contributor IAM role to the cluster as well as the container registry (guide):
Go to the cluster’s page, select Add a role assignment from IAM roles and select the created VM as a Contributor
Go to the container registry’s page and add the role assignment following similar steps
As part of installation, Azure will create a new resource group with the following naming structure:
To avoid configuration problems, do not modify this group.
Last updated
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